Azure Cielo™ Dx
The Azure Cielo Dx Real-time PCR system for in-vitro diagnostic use brings you the accuracy and sensitivity you need for your research, with intuitive touch screen software. With 6-target detection, the flexibility you need is at your fingertips.
Product Features
- Flexibility—Engineered for a wide variety of qPCR applications, with high sensitivity and wide dynamic range
- Intelligent workflow—Our user interface allows simple touch screen assay setup. Saved protocols make assay set up easy and reproducible
- Reliability—Cielo's optics and thermal block are designed to deliver the same uniformity and reproducibility over at least 1000 qPCR experiments, giving you confidence in the reliability of the instrument
- Connectivity—No external PC is required to run the instrument
- Data can be transferred via Ethernet, Wi-Fi or USB
- Sample volume 5-150uL